About Us
Judith Blackwell Violins is based at 15 North Road, Berwick upon Tweed, Northumberland, TD15 1PW, United Kingdom.
How we use your information
Judith Blackwell Violins is a processor of customer information. We take your privacy seriously.
Our legal basis for processing client data is contractual for the following activities:
- We receive data uploaded to the service by users where it is stored in a cloud environment or on premise in accordance with the options selected by customers.
- We use personal information to communicate with clients in relation to book announcements, product/service information, newsletters and general promotions and content activities.
- We use personal information to send customer feedback forms following and consultant activity
- We use personal information to conduct customer surveys
- Our legal basis for processing client data is legitimate interest for the following activities but consent may be given or withdrawn in relation to these processing activities:-
- Communicating existing and new product and services information
- Communicating with you in relation to products and services that may be of interest
- Inviting you to attend events
- Your data will be processed in line with the principles and individuals’ Rights of The General Data Protection regulation.
Where we use your information to contact you, we may use Mailchimp to manage those communications
Storage & Disposal
Your information will not be transferred out of the European Union without your prior consent; we will not share your personal data.
If you feel we have not processed your data in accordance with the principles and rights of the individual under GDPR, please contact judith@judithblackwellviolins.com for our complaints procedure, or you may raise a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office